Resources - Healing Touch Professional Association

Guided Relief Meditation


“In every crisis, doubt or confusion, take the higher path - the path of compassion, courage, understanding and love.”

Amit Ray, Nonviolence: The Transforming Power


When crisis comes to our neighborhood, state, country, the world; we want to do something! We want to help, make changes, be there. As healers, we empathize with the pain and suffering of others. It is our calling to respond with understanding and love.

Sometimes, it’s hard to know how to respond with compassion and courage. There may be no way we can help, we may be powerless to change things, it may not be possible to be there.

But, one thing we can always do, is join our healing energy with others to multiply its effectiveness.

This powerful meditation will allow you to focus your energies. To multiply its effectiveness, you may want to collect others to meditate with you at the same time and place. You might invite everyone to meet face to face, or you could designate a day and time to meditate in each person’s own location, or you could use technology such as Skype to connect all of you.

No matter how you decide to combine the energetic forces of healing, that powerful force will reach all those who are in need. Your blessings and intentions will affect change.

Thank you for your loving heart.


Humanitarian Crisis Meditation

For the people needing support at this time.

Humanitarian Crisis Meditations 

This meditation was written and offered by Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist, Amelia Vogler.



I want to acknowledge that you are here because the energies around you are organizing to be supportive for an individual or a group of individuals. 

So before we begin, call forward into your heart the energies of that person or those people who are reaching out and asking for support. Call forward compassion for the others. Call forward love.

First I’d like to invite you and all who are joining with us at this time or in future times into shared sacred space.  Let’s visualize our group hara and invite that column of light in with our awareness and invitation.

Let’s invite the great spirit of many names, namely the name of love into this space together.

And set intention that the energy of this practice sends love and healing to the hearts and souls of those who are asking for this support at this time.

To begin, take a few deep and cleansing breaths and bring your self into this shared moment of devotion and healing.

As you arrive here, notice yourself grounded in your body and attuned both to yourself and the planet. Draw your attention deeper into the support that is here for you. 

Knowing that the Earth is a model for healing, connect to her wisdom of nurture and the natural processes of healing and invite her energy to fill the well of your healing capacity. Bring your attention to your heart and notice how it is filled with a golden light. 

As you notice the well of your healing capacity filling, notice as that golden light begins to fill the entire chamber of your body.  You become a light body of Golden warm healing light.   This light is restorative and renewing. Imbued in it are the energies of hope, compassion, and pure love.

Feel yourself as a pure vehicle of healing – a spark of the Great Spirit. 

Every cell in your body is a cell that can communicate with the cells of others.  Every heartbeat is a prayer for the hearts of others.  Every breath a breath for those who are held in breathless grief or suffering.   The golden nurture that flows within you is also flowing into the cells of those who are calling out for your help.

You are the body of light that emanates the golden light of love and nurture out into this world.

The streams of golden light, like the sunlight, emanate through you.  For the next five minutes, stay focused on sending that healing golden light with intention that it goes where needed aligned with the Highest Good and Right Order of the Universe. 

<Five minutes to share and emanate collective healing golden light>

It has been now five minutes and if you wish to sit quietly and continue to emanate the golden light of restoration, renewal, and love, please just pause this audio and stay in your sacred space until you feel ready to ground yourself and provide gratitude for the opportunity to help.

If you are ready to come back into your own space, knowing you can return to this meditation of healing anytime, I invite you to bring you attention back to your breath.  Deepening the connection between your breath and your mind.  Bringing your attention back to your time and space.  Maybe bringing some movement to your body…. 

Remember as you walk through the rest of today or rest into this evening, you can return to sending this golden light out to those who are needing it.  Thank you for sharing this healing time for those who are reaching for support. 

Bless you for your precious heart and your stand in the role of this positive evolution of this planet.


Environmental Disaster Meditation

For the Earth and all of the plant, animal, an mineral kingdoms during this time of disaster.

Environmental Crisis Meditations 

This meditation was written and offered by Grounding and Energy Medicine Specialist, Amelia Vogler.



I want to acknowledge that you are here because the energies around you are organizing to be supportive for a place on this beautiful home planet. 

So before we begin, call forward into your heart the energies of the place on earth that is crying in need of balance and support. Call forward compassion and love for all of the living beings in this place – all of the plants, animals, and crystalline kingdoms. Call forward love. 

First I’d like to invite you and all who are joining with us at this time or in future times into shared sacred space.  Let’s visualize our group hara and invite that column of light in with our awareness and invitation.

Let’s invite the great spirit of many names, namely the name of love into this space together.

And set intention that the energy of this practice sends love and healing to the precious ecosystems within and surrounding this disaster. 

To begin, take a few deep and cleansing breaths and bring your self into this shared moment of devotion and healing.

As you arrive here, notice yourself grounded in your body and attuned both to yourself and the planet. Draw your attention deeper into the support that is here for you.

Knowing that the Earth is a model for healing, connect to her wisdom of nurture and the natural processes of healing and invite her energy to fill the well of your healing capacity. Bring your attention to your heart and notice how it is filled with a golden light.

As you notice the well of your healing capacity filling, notice as that golden light begins to fill the entire chamber of your body.  You become a light body of Golden warm healing light.   This light is restorative and renewing. Imbued in it are the energies of hope, compassion, and pure love.

Feel yourself as a pure vehicle of healing – a spark of the Great Spirit.  

Every cell in your body is a cell that can communicate with the cells of the plants and animals.  Every heartbeat is a prayer for the heartbeat of this beautiful Mother Earth.  Every breath a breath that can be used to clear the current air and bring behind it a wind that ushers the teachings of more balanced weather and state of this Earth.

You are the body of light that emanates the golden light of love and nurture out into this world.

The streams of golden light, like the sunlight, emanate through you.  For the next five minutes, stay focused on sending that healing golden light with intention that it goes where needed aligned with the Highest Good and Right Order of the Universe.  


<Five minutes to share and emanate collective healing golden light>


It has been now five minutes and if you wish to sit quietly and continue to emanate the golden light of restoration, renewal, and love, please just pause this audio and stay in your sacred space until you feel ready to ground yourself and provide gratitude for the opportunity to help. 

If you are ready to come back into your own space, knowing you can return to this meditation of healing anytime, I invite you to bring you attention back to your breath.  Deepening the connection between your breath and your mind.  Bringing your attention back to your time and space.  Maybe bringing some movement to your body….  

Remember as you walk through the rest of today or rest into this evening, you can return to sending this golden light out to all of the life on Earth and the Earth herself.  Thank you for sharing this healing time for those who are reaching for support.  

Bless you for your precious heart and your stand in the role of this positive evolution of this planet.



About Crisis Relief

As heart-centered, caring Healing Touch Practitioners, we long to respond to those affected by an emergency or disaster. Unfortunately, unless a person is trained by the Red Cross or FEMA or CERT or Green Cross, they aren’t allowed at the disaster site.

For an in-depth look at this reality, there are two excellent articles written by Healing Touch Certified Practitioners on the Energy Magazine web site. Click to download articles from author’s: Brugman and Warnaca.

But we can join our collective energy to radiate love, light, and healing to all those affected by hardship. HTPA has created a beautiful meditation for this purpose.  Simply gather your fellow healers in person or remotely to share this powerful meditation. Your combined energy will radiate profound healing to the disaster site.


 If you would like to request a Humanitarian and/or Environmental Meditation be sent out to the Healing Touch Community, please complete the form in the link below.

Crisis Relief Request Form 


View, disseminate, and share in this meditation here.

Go to the Meditations 


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About Informed Consent

It is recommended that Energy Medicine practitioners obtain a signed informed consent before starting sessions with a client. Informed consent protects both the practitioner and the client. It provides sufficient information to the client to feel comfortable in entering into a professional relationship with the practitioner. It allows the practitioner to provide all of the information they feel the client should have regarding them, their practice, and modalities being used. Having the client formally acknowledge the services being offered also protects the practitioner. Three sample informed consent forms are offered for your information. We recommend you adapt them to fit your specific needs and practice.

Sample Consent Forms

Informed Consent - Sample A

Informed Consent - Sample B

Informed Consent - Sample E