About HTPA - Healing Touch Professional Association

At the core, HTPA is a strong professional organization bringing cutting edge support and services to it's members in a field that is rapidly evolving, at a time when uniting and joining together is more important then ever. Membership provides the vehicle to actively participate in the future of Healing Touch and Integrative Health Care.


HTPA is the bridge to the Healing Touch Program (the only organization teaching Janet Mentgen’s original standardized curriculum). Membership in HTPA offers the way to support and further advance Healing Touch worldwide while receiving valuable member benefits, bonuses and discounts.


Joining HTPA includes you in the whole worldwide HT Community and as HTPA aligns with other Professional Associations and Organizations that teach and support their communities with the same high level of Ethics and Scope of Practice that Healing Touch Program has for the past 20+ years, you are also aligned with those organizations.


Membership in HTPA raises your personal professional standard and contributes to the expansion of your profession by creating a larger pool of power, thought, energy and forward growth.


HTPA listens to its membership as it provides the avenue for members to add their voice through direct participation, surveys and annual member meetings. Being part of an organization that calls for member input offers you an opportunity to add your personal voice and support to shape the future growth and development of your profession.


TOGETHER, with Healing Touch Program, HTPA Members are the Heart of Healing Touch!